Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking Forward, Looking Back

What??  I have a blog??  Amazing…can’t believe it’s been three months since I’ve blogged!

Well, it seems to be the time of year for resolutions…I prefer to call them goals instead of resolutions.  Have you made yours?  I was challenged today to be specific in my resolutions/goals.  What exactly do you hope to accomplish this year?  I’ll take it one step further…how do you intend to achieve what you hope to accomplish?  We’ve all heard the phrase, “He who fails to plan plans to fail.”  So looking forward to 2012, some of my personal goals are:  once and for all get my house organized (ok…that’s one I have every year, so I obviously don’t have a plan for this one!); stay in closer contact with the people in my life who are important to me - no more excuses about lack of time, past hurts or unrealistic expectations (I’m working on a good plan for that one); continue on this incredible weight loss/fitness journey I began a year ago. 

At this time last year, I was researching and learning as much as I could about the “new” Weight Watchers program.  A lot had changed from what I knew of Weight Watchers, and I wanted to be sure it was something I could “live” with…not another “diet.”  I had a good plan in mind as I walked into the meeting room.  And I’m happy to say that plan has been working.  So, the weight loss portion of my plan remains the same-track what I eat, be active and attend my meetings.  As part of the fitness goal, I’m signing up to participate in the Crescent City Classic 10K in New Orleans on April 7.   Training for this event begins January 1!  I’m a little apprehensive about tackling a 10K.  This will be a real accomplishment! 

Looking back on 2011 in the weight loss/fitness area, it has been a very successful year for me.  I knew when I walked in the door of Weight Watchers that this was it for me…no more excuses, no more “tomorrows.”  I set my goal to track (for non-WW folks, that just means writing down everything you eat) every morsel of food that went into my mouth, regardless of how much or what it was!  I set my goal to attend every weekly meeting.  I set my goal to learn how to eat responsibly.  I set a goal for the number of pounds I wanted to lose this year.  I set a long-range goal for the number of years it would take me to lose all of the weight I need to lose.  I did NOT set my goal to become more physically active!  That was one thing to which I was very resistant!  But physically active I have become!  I walk regularly and am learning to incorporate more activity into my everyday life.   

So…how successful was this year for me?  If you’re just looking for a number when you become a Weight Watcher, you’re just looking for another diet.  Success cannot only be counted by the number on the scale.  I’m really pleased to say that 99% of the time I tracked every bite of food that went into my mouth (and believe me, some days it wasn’t pretty)!  I attended every weekly meeting except the ones where I was out of town.  One of the things I’m most pleased with is how I view food now…not every meal is my last meal!  I don’t have to have everything all at once!  I’m learning to eat responsibly.  I’m virtually back-pain-free; blood pressure meds have been cut in half; I sleep much better.  Now for the numbers…I set my goal to lost 50 pounds in 2011.  As of my weigh-in this morning, I’ve lost 59!  I’ve also lost over 25” and 3 dress sizes.  Still have quite a ways to go, but I’m very pleased with the progress…

How about you?  Are you ready with a plan to accomplish your goals this coming year? 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Caution: School Zone

What??  Two posts in the same week?

I have a good friend a few years younger than me who is working on getting her Master’s Degree.  She also has five children (two of whom are in college, one of those about to get married), works a full-time job and is involved in all of her kids’ sports activities.  I jokingly said to her the other day, “You’re such an over-achiever!”  And truthfully, it was meant as a compliment.  That conversation, along with several other nuggets of wisdom I’ve heard over the years, has started me thinking about my own “education.” 

My first-grade teacher for as long as I can remember signed off on her letters and emails with “When you’re through learning, you’re through.”  Wise words, Mrs. Sharp…

My college Accounting professor, Margaret Wright, was the perfect picture of a professional who was always prepared and pushed us to expect more from ourselves. 

My mother used to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare, “To thine own self be true.”  I always took that to mean, “Don’t lie to your mother!”  (I think I had a guilty conscience!)  But I realize now she really meant me to stop long enough to consider not only what I was saying, but what I was doing…to take into consideration if what I was doing was beneficial and good for me and not harmful to others. 

For years my patient husband has said, “Eat less, move more.”  Never, ever in a condescending or critical way, just practical advice for staying fit and healthy.  Seriously, he deserves a medal for how patient he has been with me over the years …

My Weight Watchers leader, Ellen, is a former school teacher…every week her meetings are chock full of information that we soak up like sponges…information that is backed by research from a company that has been in business for almost 50 years helping people lose weight and get fit.  She gives us the tools we need to win this battle! Eat right.  Be active.  Stay on target.  Get up and go.  Power up.  Treat yourself.  And in good school-teacher fashion, she doesn’t just give us the answers … she makes US give HER the answers!  And … she gives BRAVO stars when you get the answers right!  Ellen has some amazing aides in her classroom … Cynthia, Gina and all the folks at the check-in tables weighing us in, giving us encouragement, celebrating with us, giving us a pep talk when needed … seriously, I look forward to Fridays just so I can see all of them!  Each of these ladies has been down the weight-loss road.  They are living proof that it can be done.  I’m learning a lot from them about losing it, maintaining it, but most importantly, living it.

So … if you’re ready to achieve more, if you’re not through learning, if you’re ready to do something beneficial for yourself … and if you’re on your own road to weight loss or fitness, consider Weight Watchers.  It’s a healthy approach to weight loss that will help you reach your goals ... one pound at a time.

Quarterly stats: Lost ~ 50.6 pounds (95 to go!)
                         Lost ~ 23.75 inches
                         Lost ~ 3 dress sizes

                         Gain ~ 50.6 pounds of mobility
                         Gain ~ 23.75 inches of flexibility
                         Gain ~ 3 dress sizes of confidence

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

My poor neglected blog...I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let this happen...

Before I get started,  I have to say I’m “borrowing” this title from one of my daughter’s posts in her blog, although the content will be quite differnt.  Click to see her blog, The Dairy Queen ...

As I’ve progressed down this weight-loss/health road, there are a few things I’ve come to rely on as my “go-to” things for success. 

Well, of course I would start with foods!  Most people who know me fairly well know that I am a BIG breakfast fan and a BIG breakfast eater.  There’s an old saying, “Eat breakfast like a King (Queen!), lunch like a Prince(ss) and dinner like a pauper.”  Don’t know how well that fits in the current guidelines for healthy eating, but if I could, I would eat this way every day.  Now back in the day, my breakfasts were very heavy, fat-laden feasts.  I’m still feasting these days, but much more sensibly.  Breakfast always includes some kind of fresh fruit (I’ll be sad to see the summer fruits going away soon), protein (typically egg whites and cheese), carbs of some sort (I like to indulge myself with a home-made flour tortilla or a whole-wheat sandwich round) and a glass of milk….oh, and salsa…always salsa!   I have a few other breakfast meals that satisfy me, and I just swap around each morning with whatever I either feel like eating or have time to prepare.   

I’ve become a huge snacker…I’m constantly eating…usually every 3-4 hours I’m popping something in my mouth.  Some of my current favorites are:  Mini Babybel Light cheese, whole natural almonds, Laughing Cow cheese wedges, Greek yogurt, graham crackers, a fabulous spinach dip that I pick up in the dairy section at Wal-Mart, Melba toast, 94% fat-free microwave popcorn, Jello-O sugar-free pudding, Lindy’s Italian Ice, Edy’s Pineapple fruit bars…oh the list is endless!  One of the great benefits of attending Weight Watchers meetings is that people are always sharing their favorite food finds that are PointsPlus-friendly! 

My favorite and most-used exercise “tool” is my RunKeeper app on my iPhone.  I plug my headphones in, start my activity and away I go on a walk (or any other activity you choose) and the RunKeeper lady will cue me every five minutes on how far I’ve walked, the pace at which I’m walking and my current speed.  It’s become a huge motivator to walk farther and faster. 

I’ve invested in a few articles of clothing to make me feel super comfy when I walk (please note…comfy, not fashionable, is the operative word here)!  I’ve discovered that anything touching me on my arms or around my neck drives me crazy!!  I feel like I’m being strangled or suffocated!  So, because I’m still in the weight-loss process and haven’t wanted to spend a lot of money on clothes just yet, I’ve found that Danskin makes some great gear at a super price and they have a good selection at Wal-Mart…from shorts to capris to tanks or Ts and even sports bras (another essential)!  I have spent more serious money on two items…a great pair of running shoes and some compression/bike shorts.  Seriously, if you’re going to do any kind of physical exercise, invest in good shoes before anything else.  And get a proper fit…if you don’t know how your shoes should fit, go to a store where there are professionals who can help you with this.  It is time and money well spent.  And the compression or bike shorts…you know those super tight-fitting, hopefully moisture-wicking shorts that some people actually look great in?  I wear them under my regular work-out pants or shorts.  They have made a huge difference in my comfort level when exercising.  When you’re on a weight-loss plan and especially if you have a lot of weight to lose (or if gravity has begun to take hold!) these amazing shorts help hold things in place!  TMI?? things that keep you "in the game."  Your list of go-to items that will help you be successful on your own fitness journey. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Playing to Your Strengths

 Ever heard that phrase?  It’s one I’ve heard, but never really thought about too much.  It’s used mainly in the world of business to identify ways companies can achieve higher levels of success using the abilities of their team players, rather than trying to improve on their weaknesses.  Believe it or not, there’s even a consulting firm with this name.

In regards to my personal health and fitness, how do I play to my strengths and how can I improve?  I hope by revealing some of myself, I’ll help motivate you to do the same.

First of all…I am my father’s daughter in so many ways.  I can remember growing up when we would get ready to go on vacation, my dad would pull out the road maps (remember those?) for each state we would be traveling through and plan the whole trip…where we would stop, how long it would take us, how much it would cost, etc.  When he retired from his job at the copper smelter, he did some construction work on the side.  For every job he was bidding on, he would take his notepad and pencil and figure the amount of paint, lumber, tile, etc. for whatever kind of job he was going to do.  He liked knowing where he was going and how he was getting there; he was a planner…and I’m like him in that way.

He was also a creature of habit…get up in the morning, put the coffee on, make the bed, open the blinds, open the gates, get the paper…and on and on throughout his day.  When he came to visit us, he always wanted to know what the schedule was for that day!  Oh, boy…am I like him in that regard!

Where does this fit in with playing to my strengths?  Those two “strengths” have become two things I have used to get this far in my weight-loss/fitness journey, along with some amazing tools and support!

I am a planner…I can plan out our meals for a week, make the grocery lists, etc.  But that’s not all it takes…I have to know where I’m going to end up at the end of the day…and ultimately at the end of each week when I weigh in.  Knowing what’s on the schedule for the day determines when I can break for a snack or a meal (and believe me…I don’t let more than 3 hours go by without a break!) and I can calculate what that snack or meal will include, which means at the end of the day, I’m not foraging for any and every thing that won’t eat me first!

And I am a creature of habit…that’s while you’ll find me following the same basic schedule each day…quiet time with a cup of coffee and my Bible to start my day, followed by exercise, then work (which has its own schedule for each day).  At day’s end, most days it’s lights out early in order to get enough sleep to stay on top of my OrdinaryLife.    If I deviate from these habits, I lose focus…I get nervous, anxious, and sometimes a little depressed.  The habits that I’ve developed over the years (some bad, some good) have really helped me make the space in my life for exercise…and I’ve already blogged about how I feel about exercise! 

So what are your strengths?  Can they help you achieve your own personal health/fitness goals?  Identify them…play to them.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Opportunity Cost

What??  What does that title mean?  The first time I heard the phrase "opportunity cost" defined was about two years ago in a Financial Peace University lesson (sorry to my high school econ teacher...I'm sure he explained it back then, but it didn't stick).  According to The Library of Economics and Liberty, "When economists refer to the “opportunity cost” of a resource, they mean the value of the next-highest-valued alternative use of that resource."

Hmmm...for the purpose of this blog, I like this explanation from NetMBA better:  "While the cost of a good or service often is thought of in monetary terms, the opportunity cost of a decision is based on what must be given up (the next best alternative) as a result of the decision.  Any decision that involves a choice between two or more options has an opportunity cost."

Did I lose you yet?  Hang in there with me!  Opportunity cost is one of the most critical concepts in economics ~ outside of economics, it's an often over-looked component when costs are considered.  Now...let me bring that into my OrdinaryLife...

As it relates to a Weight Watcher, there are 6 PointsPlus is 9 Hershey's Kisses.  For those same 6 PointsPlus, a Weight Watcher can opt for 4 ounces of grilled chicken, a medium-size sweet potato with cinnamon, a serving of green beans and a side of sliced watermelon.  Choosing the Kisses over the full meal reveals the opportunity cost of the decision made.  You can have one or the other (or even a smaller combination of the two), but you can't have both choices for the same amount of PointsPlus, i.e., calories/fat/carbs/protein/fiber (don't jump on me WW folks, I know we don't use calories anymore).

So...what is it that I'm weighing as my own personal opportunity cost?  Recently, it has been the cost/benefit of exercising regularly.  As my family (and some friends close enough to see me in action every day) know, I'm a little bit "structured" in my daily schedule.  I've often joked that I live my life in 15-minute increments...that's not much of a joke!  The benefits of regular exercise are many...I don't need to tell you that...we're bombarded with it daily in the media.  

For me personally, these are some of the benefits, not necessarily in order of importance other than the first one:
1.  My back feels great.  I've had one back surgery and have another 4 or 5 bulging discs.  To say I've had no back pain in the months since I've been regularly exercising is HUGE!  The weight loss has also contributed to this, but I really believe the exercise has been key...both to the weight loss and the lack of pain.
2.  The endorphins have finally kicked in...literally, I can't wait to walk in the mornings.  I think I've even managed to astonish my husband with this one!
3.  Setting/meeting/exceeding be able to push myself to accomplish something physical is a real high.  I'm getting stronger, have more endurance and a better attitude about being able to do more.
4.  Ok...this one is kind of gross...I love the sweating part of it!  What can I say?  I know that when I've worked up a good sweat, my weekly weigh-in will be more successful!
5.  I can eat more!  Ha...who knew!  I've earned those extra activity points, and you can bet I'm going to eat them!  
6.  Cute exercise shoes/clothes.  Ok...that's pretty shallow, but gosh, have you seen all the options out there?  

So...what's the cost?  Well, obviously, if you walk in your own neighborhood, no actual money outlay (except for good shoes...definitely invest in those).  If you join a gym, you can expect to pay the monthly membership fee.  If you join a program for weight loss (and if  you are going to join a program, have I mentioned I love/endorse/highly approve of Weight Watchers?!), there's also a cost associated with that.  

What about the non-monetary costs?  You have to wrap your brain around the fact that in order to see the benefits, YOU have to make the choice.  You also have to know that if you're going to exercise, you've got to be willing to give up an extra hour of TV or sleep or facebooking or reading fill in the blank...a few times a week.  That was probably the hardest thing for me to do...(harder even than walking into the gym the very first day into a water aerobics a front of other people)...I had to give up some time that I was spending on other things ~ that was hard...remember how I said I live my life in 15-minute increments?  That meant I had to find another hour in my day, several times a week...and that just wasn't easy to do.  And it won't be for you either ~ 'cause, let's face it, our time is very precious.  That's the opportunity cost for me - time vs. all the benefits I listed.  And for me, it's worth it.  

Just keep thinking of the benefits down the road, some of them you already know and some will surprise you ~ and keep marching down that road.  "The opportunity cost of a decision is based on what must be given up as a result of the decision."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"...and the award for best supporting goes to..."

...seriously?  How could I name just one person who has been the best support in this weight loss/fitness journey?  But I am namin' names!

Would it be too obvious to name my husband first?  'Cause he's definitely been a HUGE support to me...not just during this, but for all 27 of our married years together!  If I want to go for a walk instead of do laundry/wash dishes/clean house (!), he's all for it.  If I ask him to grill chicken every night, he does it.  If I "need" to buy some new clothes, he approves it (as long as it's in the budget)!  He's never, ever...not one single time...complained about my weight or ridiculed me for it.  I'm forever grateful for that.  He's seen me at my worst and hopefully at my best...

My two girls and son-in-law have been unbelievably supportive...when I said for my birthday I wanted to walk a 5K, they were all over it!  What time?  That's not too early, Mom, we'll be there.  Where?  That's not too far away, Mom, we'll meet you there.  When I alter the menu when they come to eat, they are good with it.  They cheer me on, help me pick out new clothes (ok, the son-in-law doesn't do this!), and help me cut up my fruits and veggies! 

My sweet friend!  What an encourager she is!  She tells me straight up when I'm doing something I shouldn't and when I need to cut myself some slack...and since she's on this journey also, she hands me down her clothes when she's too small for them!  Gotta love friends like this!

My "personal" dietitian Caitlyn.  She's always challenging me to try new foods, read the labels, watch the sodium, check the type of fats...need I say more?  She's a dietitian!  She takes what she does very seriously, but she also knows that no one is perfect in the food arena and she's willing to do a little give and take for the overall good of her patients.  I love that!  I know I can text or email her a question and she will either research it herself and give me an answer or tell me where to look. 

My Friday texting know who you are...every Friday morning after I've weighed in, I send out a text to these special people...and I get tons of encouragement from them. 

I've still got a long, long way to go in this journey...and to the many, many people who have commented on my progress so means so much.  I know I've put myself out there having a blog about this and talking about it so much, but it helps me stay accountable!  I'm really pleased that I've chosen to do Weight Watchers...the PointsPlus program suits my lifestyle.  It offers a healthy, balanced approach to eating and offers support through online communities, weekly meetings and people you meet.  It's personally shown me the correlation between energy consumed vs energy expended...something we all learned in 6th grade health, but many of us have forgotten over the years.  It's also teaching me portion control...Really, this won't be the last time I get to eat this pizza/cheesecake/guacamole, so I don't have to eat the whole thing right now.  So...if you're challenged in the weight-loss area, I'd encourage you to give Weight Watchers a try...what have you got to lose...but a little weight?

Friday, July 8, 2011


No...not a quarterback calling the play...but some significant numbers to me!

5 ~ When last we met on this blog, I was "in training" for my first 5K.  Well, my first 5K has come and personal goal was to walk my 5K in under an hour.  I made it in 58 minutes 7 seconds!  It was actually fun...walked with my hubby Tim, our daughters, Lauren and Jessica, Lauren's husband John, our grandson Trindon (Trindon strolled!), our adopted kids, Chaz and Caitlyn and a sweet friend, Tina.  They were all great cheerleaders!  It was a sweltering hot day in south Louisiana, but we all made it!

49 ~ The day of my first 5K was also my 49th birthday.  I've NEVER celebrated a birthday with so much physical exercise...with any physical exercise!  So this was a first for me.  We walked our 5K, then came back to the house, grilled hamburgers with all the fixings and celebrated my day with a divine chocolate was an awesome day!  I'm looking forward to my 50th birthday next year! 

73 & 9,777 ~ By now you know I'm on a health/fitness journey.  These two numbers represent two pieces of information from my favorite iPhone app, RunKeeper.  This app is awesome...tracks all kinds of stuff about your activity/exercise.  For me, these two numbers represent the number of miles I've walked since April 16 (when I started using my RunKeeper app) and the number of calories burned walking those 73 miles!  Seriously, almost 10,000 calories burned!  Which leads me to my last number...

36 ~ The progress this Weight Watcher has made since January 7...the day I walked into Weight Watchers and faced the scale.  36.2 pounds to be exact and 17.5 inches.  I'm starting to feel like I can actually win this battle!  I've still got a long way to go, but progress is being made.  I've had such great support along the way...I think that will be the topic of my next blog post...

I'm sure this is pretty boring stuff to most of you reading this...thanks for hanging in there with me!  It's becoming important to me to set goals and challenge myself in this health/fitness journey.  Walking another 5K this fall doesn't seem like much of a challenge...I've walked a few more 5K's since my first one.  I started cycling this morning.  It's a new activity, but it's more to keep me interested in exercising than anything else.  So, I'm open to suggestions...what should be my next goal?  What's your fitness goal?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Marching On...

...just to let you know...I have not yet been back to that PiYo class!  A little too intimidating for me...but I did have a new challenge set before that I'm REALLY excited about.  And one that you can join me in too!

About two weeks ago at my Weight Watchers meeting, the Walk-It Challenge was introduced.  Basically it's a six-week training program to get you ready to walk (or jog) a 5K.  I've never done a 5K ANYTHING in my life.  Pretty much been a couch potato for a loooong time!  Our WW leader, who does meetings in three different cities, has picked a 5K in a central location that she invited all of us to participate in.  At first I was like, "Yeah...sure...right...let's get to talking about food!"  But the more I listened and the more I started thinking about it, the more I realized this was a goal I could reach.  One that would keep me motivated.  It really helps that there is a training chart, both on paper and on-line that I can check off the boxes as I do each day's training! :)  And I get to put a star by my name each week that I do my training...what is it about a silly little "Bravo" star that makes me work harder?? 

So...I'm in Week 3 of training...last night was a milestone for a couple of ways.  We enjoyed a wonderful Easter with our family...went to church together and heard a terrific Easter sermon, ate a great meal of crawfish etouffee, took a short nap, cuddled and played with the grandson, visited with the kids.  Once the kids were gone, I pulled on my walking shoes and headed out...that's the first milestone ~ getting up and exercising on a I said I've been a couch potato for a loooong time and any excuse not to exercise has always been a good one for me!  Plugged in my pink earbuds, started my RunKeeper app and started walking to a great playlist of music (props to hubby and baby daughter for RunKeeper and playlist)!  I actually walked a mile ~ second milestone!  Don't know when the last time was that I did that, if ever!  I'm 1/3 of the way to my 5K!!  Whoo hoo!! 

Now for the challenge for all of you...and a little bit of celebration too!  The date that my WW leader has picked for us to walk our 5K is June 4 ~ my 49th birthday.  Our family will be walking together (including grandson in his nifty Cadillac stroller!), then we're headed back to our house to celebrate my birthday together.  Don't think I've ever been quite so excited for a will be a fun day of getting fit together.  And the exercise will make up for the cake we'll enjoy!  So...will you join us?  If you're in the area, you're more than welcome to walk with us, then come eat some cake with us!  If you're not in the area, please consider walking your own 5K...then have a piece of cake in celebration of YOU!

Friday, April 8, 2011

PiYo Spider?

So...last posting I had just joined the gym.  It's been good...very good.  I've managed to make it 6 times in 10 days.  I'm starting out simple and easy...water aerobics.  I know, I know...sounds like old lady stuff...well, it's more movement than I've done in a long time, so that's got to be good for me.  I love being in the water and I can ramp up the intensity of whatever move we're doing to get my heart rate up.  So far, so good.  Of course, I intend to move on to other classes as the weight comes off and the mobility increases.  And the class starts at 5:15...AM!  (I should really get extra points for being at the gym before the sun comes up!)

So after 3 times in my water aerobics class I figured I was ready for the next I got to the gym about 15 minutes before the start of a PiYo class (combo of Pilates/Yoga...again at 5:15AM!)...the person who signed us up at the gym said it would be great for strengthening and stretching my back...I'm sure she's right.  I spoke to the instructor and told her I was new to the gym and had never done anything like this before.  I let her know about my back issues and she was very helpful and gave me some extra tools to help during the class.  I really didn't intend to stay; I just wanted to talk to the instructor and see if she thought I could handle the class.  But I ended up staying.  Now for those of you who have done Pilates or Yoga, you know the setup of these rooms.  Very quiet, lights are dim, soft music is playing, no talking...I was really liking that part.  Simple, easy stretching...I can do this.  Modifications for every move...I'm starting to feel pretty confident.  We extend our legs, arms, torso; we breathe deeply and exhale fully; we stretch our backs and roll onto our stomachs and raise our chest up and focus on a spot on the floor...and there he was...a Daddy Long Legs Spider...about 18" from my nose.  That totally broke my "mood."  I watched him and he watched me for about 10 minutes...I'm pretty sure he was mocking me 'cause his stretches were way more fluid than mine!  Then he started to crawl towards me...then sideways away from me...then back towards me.  Just to state it know the setup in these rooms...peaceful, quiet, very slow movements.  There was nothing within reach to get rid of him.  I'm starting to panic and lose my meditative focus (oh wait...that happened with the first stretch of this 48-year-old body).  So, with my eyes on DLL Spider, I slowly (and hopefully fluidly and gracefully) stand up and move toward my shoe, which is on the other side of the room.  The instructor, still in some beautiful pose, just kind of cocked her head at me.  I mouthed (very gracefully, I'm sure) "SPIDER!!!!!"  As I'm floating back to my spot with my shoe, it occurs to me that my inclination would be to whack the living daylights out of this spider...but I'm in a PiYo class, where the lights are dim, the mood is peaceful and the music is softly do I get rid of him??  So I very gently lay my shoe on him and twist.  I pick my shoe up to look at him, and he's still doing his Downward Dog pose and wiggling all of his legs!  So I not so gently put my shoe back on him and put him out of his misery.  I then resumed my own Downward Dog pose and finished out the class. 

I wonder if they'll let me come back again??

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Next Big Step...

So...on this road of weight loss and fitness, I've learned a few things about myself...

~ I've got a long way to go, but it's like eating an bite at a time. 

~ It's also like the tortoise and the hare...slow and steady.  (At the same time, I would love to be the hare!)  But I know the habits I've developed in the past 12 weeks are life-long habits; and I'm proud of myself for doing that.

~ I don't have to treat every meal like it's my last one...

~ I can be satisfied with much!  That's a huge one for me.  It's always been about quantity.  This one was proved to me last night.  We had steak for supper (first time since I've been on the plan).  My hubby has learned to grill my steak to perfection.  I asked for a specific number of ounces when he bought my steak (which he lovingly complied with).  I looked over at his was twice the size of mine...and I thought, "I want his steak...and mine!"  But after eating my half-size steak and sweet potato, I was completely satisfied.  Maybe more than satisfied.  I was amazed that I was thinking I could have eaten less and been every bit as satisfied.  I'm telling you...that's huge for me!!

~ Moving really does make me feel better...Moving really does make me feel better...Moving really does make me feel better.  (I'm repeating this so I'll believe it!)  I hate to exercise...I just hate to exercise.  But I know that it's a piece of the puzzle I'm missing.  So, I'm taking the next big step...heading out the door today to join the gym.  Oh, I know...I don't have to spend money on a gym to start moving.  But I've been sitting on my lazy rear end for all my life not spending money on a gym...and so far that hasn't worked!  So, maybe if I feel the pain in my checkbook, I'll start to feel the pain...and the my body!

I'll let you know how it goes...

Just an update on the progress...12 weeks, 15.8 pounds, 6.25" lost.  Long road still ahead...but it's a start.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nothing Compares...

Nothing Compares to the eventful 9 days we have had...

Nothing Compares to meeting your first grandchild...Trindon Lars Ball was born March 10...a precious 7 lbs. 2 oz bundle of joy...

Nothing Compares to snuggling that sweet little baby...or counting his toes...or watching him respond to his mommy's voice or his daddy's laugh...

Nothing Compares to realizing that there really is a circle of life...that seeing your child have a child of their own completes that circle...

Nothing Compares to feeling as though you own the world when you hold new life in your arms for the first time...

Nothing Compares to knowing you are far richer for having witnessed the miracle of life...

Nothing Compares...

And yet...there is Something beyond comparison...Someone beyond comparison...

If it were not for the mercies of our Father in Heaven sending his only Son to die on our pay the price for the debt we owe...we would never know that there really is something that Nothing Compares to...

As rich and full as I feel today for having this remarkable miracle in our life, I share in the words of this song...

I've heard all the stories
I've seen all the signs
Witnessed all the glory
Tasted all that's fine
Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing you Lord...

(Thanks to my sweet husband for the inspiration for this blog post...and to Third Day for the song...)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life in the Slow Lane

So...I was so excited to have five days off (in a row)...still glad I have those days off, but for a totally different reason...

I had a list (surprise, surprise) of things I wanted to get done.  Nothing monumental, no emergency things, just little things that would make my life easier...but, instead of racing through that list of to-do's, there's been a slight change in plans.  I've (again) done something... or something's been done back.  So, while I would love to say I checked off 12 things on my list, I've really only accomplished 1  I'm not blogging this for sympathy, just pondering why this has happened now.  To be perfectly honest, I think I know focus has been, well...out-of-focus for a while.  Too consumed with "me."  A verse comes to mind..."I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)."  Except I've left out the "through Christ" part and emphasized the "I" part a lot of the time.  That's a difficult confession to make...aren't I supposed to be beyond that in my spiritual life?  Yes, but when my focus is out-of-focus, the focus is on me and my abilities, not on what Christ can do through me...for His glory. my plans for these five days have changed, I'm praying my focus will also change from what I can do to what Christ can do through me. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beyond Friday...22 Days and Counting...

Phew...made it through the week...and with great success!  Maybe more about that in a later post...

I am kind of bummed I've been inside all weekend.  I'm not much of an outdoors person, but this weather has been beautiful.  So why was I not outside?  The dreaded "T" word...taxes...yes, spent the whole day Saturday working on them done, filed and all of last year's tax stuff ready to be put into the box that's in line for rotation this year!  Ahhh...feels good to have it done.  Why, besides the good feeling of having it done and not dreading it for the next two months, did I do them so early this year?  Glad you asked...

...that would be the reason behind the title of this post...22 days and counting...until the 'official' due date of Baby Trindon...our first grandchild.  I chose this date to blog about this because it was 22 years ago (plus a few months) that our own precious bundle arrived.  I'm sure every new grandparent feels this way, but it seems like only yesterday we were finding out we were pregnant.  I remember calling my parents on the phone to tell them the good news; I remember the exact location I was when I felt the first movement; I remember the fear/joy/anticipation of being at the hospital waiting for that child to be born; I remember waiting to hear if it was a boy or girl (we were still in the dark ages...we chose not to know with the first one!)...and the first thing the doctor said was, "Look at all that red hair," followed by "It's a girl!"  The first cry, the first laugh, the first step, the first (of many!) words...where have all the years gone since my babies were babies?  So, with great anticipation, I'm counting down the days until I get to meet my precious grandson...Little T, you've already captured my heart...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Almost Friday

So...this is what my "almost Friday" looks like this week...I mentioned in my last (aka first and only) post that there are a few things I'm...well...obsessed with.  This week at the top of the list is Weight Watchers (WW)...more specifically the Friday Weigh-In.  For those of you who've known me for any or all of my life, it's a well-known fact that I struggle with my weight...that's an understatement.  Well, part of why I've decided to blog is to keep myself accountable in this area (as if getting on that scale wouldn't do it).  And therein lies my dilemma this's been the roughest of the six weeks yet on WW.  Along with the desire to be extremely organized in my approach to WW, comes the irritating desire to be perfect.  And that, I have discovered, has been my downfall in my previous attempts to lose weight.  If I "mess up" or "fall off the wagon" or "cheat just a little," I feel like I've blown it or that I've failed, and I have to wait for the next week/month/year to begin the weight loss journey again.  I heard something in my meeting last week that has stuck with me all week...the only time you fail is when you don't track what you are eating.  Now I know there are lots of weight-watching folks out there who already understand this.  I didn't...until this week.  I've tracked every single little itsy-bitsy bite that has gone into my mouth.  And I discovered something...I didn't blow it...I didn't fail.  And the reading on the scale tomorrow morning will not be the only indication that this week was a success.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yes...yet another blog to keep up with...

I know...everyone has a blog these days, huh?  Blah...blah...blah...  Well, I'm going to try not to be too Ordinary! 

Since this is my first post, a little about me.  I'm a not-quite middle-aged wife (well, I might live to be 100!) and mom of two terrific daughters and one super son-in-law.  I'm also a soon-to-be-first-time grandmother (MiMi is preferred)!  I'm also the favorite person of our adorable Jack Russell Terrier!  I also lay claim to three other young men as my "adopted" sons and two "adopted" daughters-in-law (and I guess I have to count all the dogs that belong to them too)!

What drives me?  What motivates me?  Hmmm...anything with organization to it!  I guess that would explain why I really almost obsessed with 1) Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University; 2) The Krazy Coupon Lady; 3) Weight Watchers; 4) The Fly Lady; and 5) anything in an Excel spreadsheet!

So that's a pretty good list to start a blog with....