Sunday, July 17, 2011

"...and the award for best supporting goes to..."

...seriously?  How could I name just one person who has been the best support in this weight loss/fitness journey?  But I am namin' names!

Would it be too obvious to name my husband first?  'Cause he's definitely been a HUGE support to me...not just during this, but for all 27 of our married years together!  If I want to go for a walk instead of do laundry/wash dishes/clean house (!), he's all for it.  If I ask him to grill chicken every night, he does it.  If I "need" to buy some new clothes, he approves it (as long as it's in the budget)!  He's never, ever...not one single time...complained about my weight or ridiculed me for it.  I'm forever grateful for that.  He's seen me at my worst and hopefully at my best...

My two girls and son-in-law have been unbelievably supportive...when I said for my birthday I wanted to walk a 5K, they were all over it!  What time?  That's not too early, Mom, we'll be there.  Where?  That's not too far away, Mom, we'll meet you there.  When I alter the menu when they come to eat, they are good with it.  They cheer me on, help me pick out new clothes (ok, the son-in-law doesn't do this!), and help me cut up my fruits and veggies! 

My sweet friend!  What an encourager she is!  She tells me straight up when I'm doing something I shouldn't and when I need to cut myself some slack...and since she's on this journey also, she hands me down her clothes when she's too small for them!  Gotta love friends like this!

My "personal" dietitian Caitlyn.  She's always challenging me to try new foods, read the labels, watch the sodium, check the type of fats...need I say more?  She's a dietitian!  She takes what she does very seriously, but she also knows that no one is perfect in the food arena and she's willing to do a little give and take for the overall good of her patients.  I love that!  I know I can text or email her a question and she will either research it herself and give me an answer or tell me where to look. 

My Friday texting know who you are...every Friday morning after I've weighed in, I send out a text to these special people...and I get tons of encouragement from them. 

I've still got a long, long way to go in this journey...and to the many, many people who have commented on my progress so means so much.  I know I've put myself out there having a blog about this and talking about it so much, but it helps me stay accountable!  I'm really pleased that I've chosen to do Weight Watchers...the PointsPlus program suits my lifestyle.  It offers a healthy, balanced approach to eating and offers support through online communities, weekly meetings and people you meet.  It's personally shown me the correlation between energy consumed vs energy expended...something we all learned in 6th grade health, but many of us have forgotten over the years.  It's also teaching me portion control...Really, this won't be the last time I get to eat this pizza/cheesecake/guacamole, so I don't have to eat the whole thing right now.  So...if you're challenged in the weight-loss area, I'd encourage you to give Weight Watchers a try...what have you got to lose...but a little weight?

Friday, July 8, 2011


No...not a quarterback calling the play...but some significant numbers to me!

5 ~ When last we met on this blog, I was "in training" for my first 5K.  Well, my first 5K has come and personal goal was to walk my 5K in under an hour.  I made it in 58 minutes 7 seconds!  It was actually fun...walked with my hubby Tim, our daughters, Lauren and Jessica, Lauren's husband John, our grandson Trindon (Trindon strolled!), our adopted kids, Chaz and Caitlyn and a sweet friend, Tina.  They were all great cheerleaders!  It was a sweltering hot day in south Louisiana, but we all made it!

49 ~ The day of my first 5K was also my 49th birthday.  I've NEVER celebrated a birthday with so much physical exercise...with any physical exercise!  So this was a first for me.  We walked our 5K, then came back to the house, grilled hamburgers with all the fixings and celebrated my day with a divine chocolate was an awesome day!  I'm looking forward to my 50th birthday next year! 

73 & 9,777 ~ By now you know I'm on a health/fitness journey.  These two numbers represent two pieces of information from my favorite iPhone app, RunKeeper.  This app is awesome...tracks all kinds of stuff about your activity/exercise.  For me, these two numbers represent the number of miles I've walked since April 16 (when I started using my RunKeeper app) and the number of calories burned walking those 73 miles!  Seriously, almost 10,000 calories burned!  Which leads me to my last number...

36 ~ The progress this Weight Watcher has made since January 7...the day I walked into Weight Watchers and faced the scale.  36.2 pounds to be exact and 17.5 inches.  I'm starting to feel like I can actually win this battle!  I've still got a long way to go, but progress is being made.  I've had such great support along the way...I think that will be the topic of my next blog post...

I'm sure this is pretty boring stuff to most of you reading this...thanks for hanging in there with me!  It's becoming important to me to set goals and challenge myself in this health/fitness journey.  Walking another 5K this fall doesn't seem like much of a challenge...I've walked a few more 5K's since my first one.  I started cycling this morning.  It's a new activity, but it's more to keep me interested in exercising than anything else.  So, I'm open to suggestions...what should be my next goal?  What's your fitness goal?