Monday, April 25, 2011

Marching On...

...just to let you know...I have not yet been back to that PiYo class!  A little too intimidating for me...but I did have a new challenge set before that I'm REALLY excited about.  And one that you can join me in too!

About two weeks ago at my Weight Watchers meeting, the Walk-It Challenge was introduced.  Basically it's a six-week training program to get you ready to walk (or jog) a 5K.  I've never done a 5K ANYTHING in my life.  Pretty much been a couch potato for a loooong time!  Our WW leader, who does meetings in three different cities, has picked a 5K in a central location that she invited all of us to participate in.  At first I was like, "Yeah...sure...right...let's get to talking about food!"  But the more I listened and the more I started thinking about it, the more I realized this was a goal I could reach.  One that would keep me motivated.  It really helps that there is a training chart, both on paper and on-line that I can check off the boxes as I do each day's training! :)  And I get to put a star by my name each week that I do my training...what is it about a silly little "Bravo" star that makes me work harder?? 

So...I'm in Week 3 of training...last night was a milestone for a couple of ways.  We enjoyed a wonderful Easter with our family...went to church together and heard a terrific Easter sermon, ate a great meal of crawfish etouffee, took a short nap, cuddled and played with the grandson, visited with the kids.  Once the kids were gone, I pulled on my walking shoes and headed out...that's the first milestone ~ getting up and exercising on a I said I've been a couch potato for a loooong time and any excuse not to exercise has always been a good one for me!  Plugged in my pink earbuds, started my RunKeeper app and started walking to a great playlist of music (props to hubby and baby daughter for RunKeeper and playlist)!  I actually walked a mile ~ second milestone!  Don't know when the last time was that I did that, if ever!  I'm 1/3 of the way to my 5K!!  Whoo hoo!! 

Now for the challenge for all of you...and a little bit of celebration too!  The date that my WW leader has picked for us to walk our 5K is June 4 ~ my 49th birthday.  Our family will be walking together (including grandson in his nifty Cadillac stroller!), then we're headed back to our house to celebrate my birthday together.  Don't think I've ever been quite so excited for a will be a fun day of getting fit together.  And the exercise will make up for the cake we'll enjoy!  So...will you join us?  If you're in the area, you're more than welcome to walk with us, then come eat some cake with us!  If you're not in the area, please consider walking your own 5K...then have a piece of cake in celebration of YOU!

Friday, April 8, 2011

PiYo Spider?

So...last posting I had just joined the gym.  It's been good...very good.  I've managed to make it 6 times in 10 days.  I'm starting out simple and easy...water aerobics.  I know, I know...sounds like old lady stuff...well, it's more movement than I've done in a long time, so that's got to be good for me.  I love being in the water and I can ramp up the intensity of whatever move we're doing to get my heart rate up.  So far, so good.  Of course, I intend to move on to other classes as the weight comes off and the mobility increases.  And the class starts at 5:15...AM!  (I should really get extra points for being at the gym before the sun comes up!)

So after 3 times in my water aerobics class I figured I was ready for the next I got to the gym about 15 minutes before the start of a PiYo class (combo of Pilates/Yoga...again at 5:15AM!)...the person who signed us up at the gym said it would be great for strengthening and stretching my back...I'm sure she's right.  I spoke to the instructor and told her I was new to the gym and had never done anything like this before.  I let her know about my back issues and she was very helpful and gave me some extra tools to help during the class.  I really didn't intend to stay; I just wanted to talk to the instructor and see if she thought I could handle the class.  But I ended up staying.  Now for those of you who have done Pilates or Yoga, you know the setup of these rooms.  Very quiet, lights are dim, soft music is playing, no talking...I was really liking that part.  Simple, easy stretching...I can do this.  Modifications for every move...I'm starting to feel pretty confident.  We extend our legs, arms, torso; we breathe deeply and exhale fully; we stretch our backs and roll onto our stomachs and raise our chest up and focus on a spot on the floor...and there he was...a Daddy Long Legs Spider...about 18" from my nose.  That totally broke my "mood."  I watched him and he watched me for about 10 minutes...I'm pretty sure he was mocking me 'cause his stretches were way more fluid than mine!  Then he started to crawl towards me...then sideways away from me...then back towards me.  Just to state it know the setup in these rooms...peaceful, quiet, very slow movements.  There was nothing within reach to get rid of him.  I'm starting to panic and lose my meditative focus (oh wait...that happened with the first stretch of this 48-year-old body).  So, with my eyes on DLL Spider, I slowly (and hopefully fluidly and gracefully) stand up and move toward my shoe, which is on the other side of the room.  The instructor, still in some beautiful pose, just kind of cocked her head at me.  I mouthed (very gracefully, I'm sure) "SPIDER!!!!!"  As I'm floating back to my spot with my shoe, it occurs to me that my inclination would be to whack the living daylights out of this spider...but I'm in a PiYo class, where the lights are dim, the mood is peaceful and the music is softly do I get rid of him??  So I very gently lay my shoe on him and twist.  I pick my shoe up to look at him, and he's still doing his Downward Dog pose and wiggling all of his legs!  So I not so gently put my shoe back on him and put him out of his misery.  I then resumed my own Downward Dog pose and finished out the class. 

I wonder if they'll let me come back again??