Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Getting Back on Track

It’s easy to write about the good things that are happening or when things are going right, but when things are not going so great, it’s a little harder to share that…

I’ve been on a bit of a roller coaster since the end of October.  I haven’t stopped losing or exercising or tracking or going to meetings…I’ve just been up and down.  And that’s hard to admit!  Still managing an average weight loss of about .75 pounds a week; still managing to exercise 5 days a week, always tracking, not missing any meetings…and yet…

The “spark” that I had in the beginning of this journey just hasn’t been there for a while.  I’ve had to stop and really look at my motivation, my desire, my goal for this whole process.  I was starting to feel deprived in some weird way.  Like I wasn’t ever going to get to eat and enjoy the things I love (how dumb is that-I’ve been eating them all along!).  Or that I would always fight this feeling of never being good enough…no, never being perfect enough.  I’d started to look at the huge amount of weight still to lose and began to wonder if the rest of the battle was worth it or if I could just stop and be satisfied with what I had accomplished.  After all, I feel so much better, my clothes fit better, my doctor says I’m in better health, people tell me I look better…

But there have been some challenges along the way…most recently some health challenges.  Not anything major, just mostly the effects of having lived a sedentary lifestyle for the past 25+ years and carrying around nearly 150 pounds of extra weight for all that time (I guess that’s pretty major).  The last couple of weeks have had me contemplating and refocusing.  When challenges arise or things change in my life, particularly when they change in ways that I don’t understand or desire (!), I really have to take a step back, process the information, line it up with God’s Word and try to make sense of it…and I know I can’t always make sense of it.  The biggest problem is that I think I can do all of the changing…all of the processing…all of the FIXING.  I’ve been a fixer…always have been.  I don’t want people to be unhappy; I don’t like confrontation; I don’t like change.  I want to make things right for everyone.  And things in our lives are not always sunny and rosy and right.  We are going to face challenges, defeats, disappointments and CHANGE. 

Yet…in the midst of the challenges and the changes, there is one constant in my life that I know never changes.  One constant that always succeeds in getting me back on track.  When I align myself with God’s Word and His Ways, no matter the challenges, He will see me through.  There’s great comfort, peace and assurance for this weary soul in that promise.  Is there for you?