Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Almost Friday

So...this is what my "almost Friday" looks like this week...I mentioned in my last (aka first and only) post that there are a few things I'm...well...obsessed with.  This week at the top of the list is Weight Watchers (WW)...more specifically the Friday Weigh-In.  For those of you who've known me for any or all of my life, it's a well-known fact that I struggle with my weight...that's an understatement.  Well, part of why I've decided to blog is to keep myself accountable in this area (as if getting on that scale wouldn't do it).  And therein lies my dilemma this's been the roughest of the six weeks yet on WW.  Along with the desire to be extremely organized in my approach to WW, comes the irritating desire to be perfect.  And that, I have discovered, has been my downfall in my previous attempts to lose weight.  If I "mess up" or "fall off the wagon" or "cheat just a little," I feel like I've blown it or that I've failed, and I have to wait for the next week/month/year to begin the weight loss journey again.  I heard something in my meeting last week that has stuck with me all week...the only time you fail is when you don't track what you are eating.  Now I know there are lots of weight-watching folks out there who already understand this.  I didn't...until this week.  I've tracked every single little itsy-bitsy bite that has gone into my mouth.  And I discovered something...I didn't blow it...I didn't fail.  And the reading on the scale tomorrow morning will not be the only indication that this week was a success.


  1. Very good thoughts Ms Kelly. I once told a training client of mine something similar. She had lost weight for like 3 weeks straight, then was stuck at the same weight for like 2 weeks and was getting down on herself. I told her to look at the little things she had told me over the last two weeks. For example: She said she was using the stairs at work with getting short of breath, which she hadn't been able to do before. Among other little things she told me. I told her those accomplishments are a big thing to her and proving that she is successful and moving forward, even though the scale did not show it.

    So, even though the scale or something else may not show a result, even the small accomplishments prove that you are doing something right!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Angelique. It's going to be a long process, and I know I have to take it day by day. I know I can't always control the number on the scale, but I can control what (and how much) I put in my mouth! BTW...Friday's Weigh-In was a success!
